Luca Iocchi , Università di Roma "La Sapienza",
Rome, Italy
Domenico G. Sorrenti University of Milano-Bicocca,
Milan, Italy
This workshop aims at bringing together researchers interested
in discussing ideas and sharing their work in robot vision. The
workshop main topic is vision-based odometry and vision-based
SLAM, but contributions on different aspects and applications
of computer vision techniques applied to mobile robots will also
be accepted.
Main Topic
- Vision-based odometry and SLAM
Other Topics
- 3D range cameras
- Cognitive robot vision systems
- Distributed perception
- Feature extraction and representation
- Motion detection and tracking
- Multi-camera robot vision
- Omnidirectional robot vision
- Real-time vision systems for mobile robots
- Robot vision benchmarking and evaluation
- Vision and manipulation
- Vision-based robotic industrial applications
- Vision-based robotic learning
- Visually guided robotics
- Vision hardware systems for mobile robots
- Visual tracking for robotics applications
Workshop Program Committee
Bernardino Alexandre, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal
Browning Brett, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Menegatti Emanuele, University of Padua, Italy
Sorrenti Domenico G., Università di Milano - Bicocca, Italy
Macaluso Irene, University of Palermo, Italy
Baltes Jacky, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada
Kraetzschmar Gerhard K., University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany
Konolige Kurt, SRI International, USA
Iocchi Luca, Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy
Matteucci Matteo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Sridharan Mohan, University of Texas at Austin, USA
Zingaretti Primo, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy
Behnke Sven, University of Freiburg, Germany
Minato Takashi, Osaka University, Japan
Caglioti Vincenzo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nisticò Walter, University of Dortmund, Germany
Burgard Wolfram, University of Freiburg, Germany
Workshop Proceedings
All accepted and registered papers will be published in a workshop proceedings book
with an ISBN reference, which
will be issued by INSTICC Press. The proceedings will be available at
the time of the workshop.There will be also a CD-ROM publication.
Secretariat Contacts
VISAPP Workshops - Robotic Perception 2008