3rd International Conference on
Computer Vision Theory and Applications
22 - 25 January, 2008       Funchal, Madeira - Portugal
The First International Workshop on Metadata Mining
for Image Understanding
(MMIU 2008)
In conjunction with the 3rd International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications - VISAPP 2008
Gabriela Csurka

Katerina Pastra

The number of digital images being generated, stored, managed and shared through the internet is growing at a phenomenal rate. Press and photo agencies receive and manage thousands or millions of images per day and end-users (e.g. amateur reporters) can easily participate into the related professional workflows. In an environment of approximately one billion photos, searchable in online databases worldwide, finding the most relevant or the most appealing image for a given task (e.g. to illustrate a story) has become an extremely difficult process. In these huge repositories, many images have additional information coming from different sources.

Information related to the image capture such as date, location, camera settings or name of photographer is often available from the digital camera used to take the photograph. The owner can further add a relevant title, filename or/and descriptive caption or any other textual reference. If the image is uploaded to a shared photo collection, additional comments are frequently added to the image by other users. On the other hand, images used in documents, i.e. web pages, frequently have captions and surrounding text. All this information can be considered image metadata and is of value for organizing, sharing, and processing images.

However, it is not always evident how to exploit the information contained in such metadata in an intelligent, generic or task-specific way. Linking this information with the actual image content is still an open challenge. The aim of this workshop is to offer a meeting opportunity for researchers, content providers and related user-service providers to elaborate on the needs and practices of digital image management, to share ideas that will point to new directions on using metadata for image understanding and to demonstrate related technology representative of the state of the art and beyond..

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Image metadata pattern discovery and mining
- Interaction of image metadata and visual content
- Image and video metadata enrichment
- Automatic metadata creation
- Hybrid collaborative and machine learning techniques for metadata creation
- Cross image-text categorization and retrieval
- Image auto-captioning and annotation transfer
- Learning user preferences, aesthetical and emotional measures from opinion mining
- Integration of camera settings with image categorization, retrieval or enhancement
- Application-specific issues of metadata mining:
    o Integration of visual and geo-location information for improved virtual tourism
    o Stock-photo
    o Web-based image retrieval

Workshop Program Committee
Suzanne Boll, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Paul Clough, University of Sheffield, UK
Gabriela Csurka, XRCE, France
Christophe Garcia, France Telecom Research, France
Daniel Gatica-Perez, Idiap, Martigny, Switzerland
Benoit Huet, Institut Eurécom, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Jiebo Luo, Kodak Research Lab, Rochester, NY, USA
Gareth Jones, Dublin City University, Ireland
Franciska de Jong, University of Twente, Netherland
Ales Leonardis, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Katerina Pastra, ILSP, Greece
Georges Quenot, LIG, Grenoble, France
Rahul Nair, Yahoo! Research Berkeley, USA
Stefan Rueger, KMI, Open University, UK
Horacio Saggion, University of Sheffield, UK
Tamás Szirányi, SZTAKI, Hungary
Tinne Tuytelaars, University of Leuven, Belgium
Geoffrey Woolfe, XRCW, NY, USA
Lei Zhang, Microsoft Research, China
Roelof van Zwol, Yahoo Research Barcelona, Spain

Workshop Proceedings
All accepted and registered papers will be published in a workshop proceedings book with an ISBN reference, which will be issued by INSTICC Press. The proceedings will be available at the time of the workshop.There will be also a CD-ROM publication.

Page updated on 14/04/09

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